Engineering, Technical & Programmatic Services
The OpTech Team is providing world class professional support services for all NAVSEA Program Executive Offices, Directorates, Warfare Centers and Field Activities utilizing the NAVSEA SeaPort Enhanced (SeaPort-e) contract. SeaPort-e is the Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Information Technology and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research, the United States Marine Corps, and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) use this vehicle to contract for their service requirements.
OpTech is a SeaPort-e prime contract holder and is qualified to support all 22 functional areas in all 7 geographic zones defined by the contract. OpTech is an SBA Certified 8(a) company and a Woman Owned Small Business. We have a robust team of large and small businesses that enhances our internal capabilities and provide additional expertise.
The Navy Seaport-e Web Site is
Key Information
Company Website
Contract Number
Contract Period of Performance
April 5, 2015 through April 4, 2019
SeaPort-e Points of Contact
Ronnie Rudd
Program Manager
Phone: 540-226-4254
Deniella Ortiz-Lalain
Phone: 313-879-6202
OpTech Customer Satisfaction POC
David Bret Robinson
Phone: 313-879-6225
Deniella Ortiz-Lalain
Phone: 313-879-6202
SeaPort-e Task Orders
Task Orders Pending
OpTech Quality Assurance Program
OpTech’s Quality Control Plan
OpTech Capability Statement
OpTech’s Capability Statement
Team Optech
OpTech is a Woman Owned, 8(a) certified company with proven experience providing Information Technology Services to government and commercial accounts. OpTech and its Core Team have the experience, depth and breadth of capabilities to compete, win and deliver outstanding IT services to the Navy. Our Core team represents a broad range of socio-economic categories including Service Disabled, Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOB), Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB), Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) and SBA 8(a). The OpTech Team has solid background, knowledge and significant experience providing IT and Technical Services to other federal agencies and commercial, Fortune 500 businesses.
The OpTech Team will deliver new ideas, innovation and creative solutions. In addition to Core Team members, OpTech has several large business subcontract partners with extensive Navy experience plus Academic Institutions as Non-Core members. These organizations bring additional unique and creative capabilities to the Team. The OpTech Team members bring strong Information Technology Support Services capabilities, successful past performance and a culture of innovation.
Related Experience
Our team has extensive service delivery experience and program management capability. OpTech provides references that highlight our creativity, as well as our ability to manage IT and engineering projects and programs.
U.S. Coast Guard
OpTech provides IT Support Services including programming, testing, sustainment and production for the Electronic Resource Planning (eRP) system used to prepare USCG budgets for Congress. The system is developed using VBA and Excel.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration (FTA). OpTech provided DBA support and sustainment services for the FTA’s eGrants System called TEAM. Our primary function is optimization, database development and sustainment of legacy systems. This legacy database required optimization, and upgrading several levels to bring it into compliance with current levels. Our Sr. Requirements Analyst performed analysis of all change requests to the Database and our Sr. DBA performed all troubleshooting, optimization and upgrade to the productions database.
U.S. Navy – NAVSEA, PEO Ships, PMS 500 / DDG 1000
Sayres provides a flexible, multi-disciplined, highly integrated team of subject matter experts in support of the DDG 1000 Acquisition Category (ACAT) 1C Shipbuilding Program Office (PMS 500). Since 2009, Sayres has provided comprehensive Program Management (PM), Acquisition, Production Engineering, Business and Financial Management (BFM), Configuration and Data Management (CM/DM), and Integrated Logistics Systems (ILS) services to PMS 500 in DC as well as multiple shipbuilding and fleet sites. We lead a team of five high-quality subcontractors with a level of effort averaging 60 FTEs. Sayres is the integrator and primary coordinator of multiple program activities including: Acquisition strategy and production planning; preparation of DoD/Congressional briefings; POM/budget submissions; financial execution; cost estimating and EVM analysis; ILS on-site waterfront engineering management at HII and BIW facilities and ILS plan preparation and program documentation development.
NAVSEA, PEO LCS, PMS 501, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program
Sayres provided PM Support Services to PMS 501, including acquisition planning and support in preparing LCS Program documentation, briefings, concept studies and issue papers for presentation to Congressional committees and senior DoD/Navy leadership, including ASN (RD&A), SECNAV, OPNAV, OUSD AT&L and the CAPE. Sayres prepared briefings and documentation required for acquisition planning and POM/budget financial management Program reviews. Sayres provided programmatic and technical assistance to the LCS PM in support of ship construction processes, production incentive recommendations, milestone readiness planning and assessments, test execution, trial readiness, ship acceptance, delivery and sailaway. Sayres provided on-site representatives that were tailored to support the PMR and waterfront organization. Sayres, with over 50 years of Naval and commercial shipbuilding and repair experience, provided the full spectrum of production test support, assistance in developing and implementing ship test strategies, acquisition strategy development and planning; all of which was instrumental in developing lead and follow ship construction contracts for both LCS Variants. Our staff was positioned to effectively support the LCS Program at shipbuilding locations, waterfront sites and at headquarters, facilitating daily communication and coordination to assist the Program Office and SUPSHIP to fully interpret all available metrics and performance data. Sayres production and acquisition support personnel coordinated inputs to the MPS. Using the MPS and other scheduling materials, Sayres assessed shipbuilder performance and forecasted their ability to meet major milestones.
U.S. Navy – Naval Sea Logistics Center (NAVSEALOGCEN)
Phoenix Group provided Automated Information Technology (AIT) integration services support to the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), NAVSEA Logistics Center, Detachment Atlantic (NAVSEALOGCEN DETLANT), working as a subcontractor to CACI – Federal for the web based Chemical Biological and Radiological Operating Space Item Management System (CBR OSIMS). To meet the Navy’s requirements, Phoenix Group provided exceptionally skilled managers, programmers and CBR OSIMS technicians operating from contractor provided and on-site government furnished facilities worldwide to provide flexible support synchronized with fleet and operational schedules using a Task Oriented Work Breakdown Structure. The CBR OSIMS Support Services Execution Team located in Chesapeake, VA provided project control, planning, scheduling, and execution support.
Phoenix Group provided Chemical Biological and Radiological Operating Space Item Management System (CBR OSIMS) engineering support and Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) integration services managed by Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Logistics Center, Detachment Atlantic (NAVSEALOGCEN DETLANT). CBR OSIMS was fielded to meet the needs of the Navy in tracking and reporting accurate CBR readiness. The overall scope of this work was to provide enterprise technical support for the fielding, testing, deployment and maintenance of CBR OSIMS.
Research and Development Support
The Ranger Group has conducted extensive exercise evaluation and analysis directly supporting the development of new technologies. Its customers have included ONR, DARPA, and the Naval Postgraduate School. TRG has been particularly effective in the assessment of new technologies under operational conditions and has participated in a wide variety of exercises and experiments as a technology assessor.
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
The Ranger Group has extensive experience in the evaluation of new systems under operational conditions during exercise and experiment evaluation. TRG’s longstanding participation in the data collection working group for TRIDENT WARRIOR has provided TRG with the background necessary to oversee Navy experiments and operational assessments. TRG’s support for the ONR DOI has included exercise observation and analysis and requirements analysis and has included operations at major theater headquarters and joint and coalitions field headquarters.
Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
The Ranger Group has designed, oversaw, and conducted experiments on usability of new systems and these systems’ ability to impact decision-making and contributes to the commander’s situational awareness. TRG has participated in Military Utility Assessment (MUAs) of systems developed by research programs for ONR and DARPA. Additionally, TRG has supported SPAWAR efforts to examine this impact of human factors and new network communications systems on coalition operations as part of a TTCP study.
Team Members & Subcontractors
The core team members and subcontractors of Team OpTech

SBA 8(a) Company, Woman-Owned Small Business
Qualifications & Zones
- Proven leadership capabilities in managing large technical/engineering contracts and managing multiple contractors
- Strong experience implementing innovative IT Solutions for Commercial Fortune 500 companies as well as DOD, DHS and DOT
- Offices located in Zones 2, 5 and 6
- Capable of receiving Top Secret Facility Clearance
Functional Area Expertise
- Prime contractor
- Program and TO management
- Functional areas covered: 3.1, 3.6, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.16, 3.18, 3.20

Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOSB)
Qualifications & Zones
- Excellent experience in Program Management
- Extensive experience supporting US Navy programs
- Acquisition Strategy & Planning Experts
- Shipyard Production Program Integration
- Business Financial Management
- Offices located in Zones 1, 2 and 6
- Top Secret Facility Clearance
Functional Area Expertise
- Core Team Member
- Program Management & Planning
- System and Process Engineering
- Configuration Management
- Business Financial Management
- Logistics Support
- Training Support
- Test & Evaluation

Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOSB)
Qualifications & Zones
- Solid past performance with NAVSEA, NAVSUP and NSWC
- Strong expertise in Engineering and Program Support
- Engineering Logistics and Support
- Solid experience providing information technology services to U.S. Navy, DHS, DOD, NASA and NATO
- Top Secret Facility Clearance
Functional Area Expertise
- Core Team Member
- Systems Engineering
- Systems Integration
- Software Support
- Enterprise Architecture design and deployment

Veteran-Owned Business (VOSB)
Qualifications & Zones
- Solid past performance with DARPA, ONR, and the Naval Postgraduate School
- Offices located in Zones 2 and 6
- Top Secret Facility Clearance
Functional Area Expertise
- Core Team Member
- New Technology Integration
- Operational Processes
- Operational Experimentation

Woman-Owned Small Business
Qualifications & Zones
- Strong experience implementing innovative IT Solutions for federal and international clients – including FAA, DOL, DOJ
- CMMi Lvl 2, Agile experience and expertise
- ISO 20000 and ITIL v3 Service Desk facility in Fairfax, VA
- Offices located in Zone 2
- Capable of receiving Clearance
Functional Area Expertise
- Core Team Member
- IT Support Services
- Web Development & Support
- Quality Management Systems

Small Disadvantaged Business, 8(a)
Qualifications & Zones
- Solid Federal experience with the US Mint
- Offices located in Zone 2
- Top Secret Facility Clearance
Functional Area Expertise
- Core Team Member
- Data Analytics
- Data Application Development
- Program Management

Small Business
Qualifications & Zones
- CMMI Level 3 Development
- Currently SeaPort-e Prime
- Strong DOD experience
- #1 small business 2013 for the US Air Force
- Information Technology
- Offices located in Zones 2, 4 and 5
- Top Secret Facility Clearance
Functional Area Expertise
- Core Team Member
- Web Development
- Data Development
- Software Engineering
- Systems Engineering

Small Business
Qualifications & Zones
- Authorized to provide Certification
- Private Cyber Range for training exercises
- Offices located in Zone 5
Functional Area Expertise
- Specialists in Forensic, Accounting and Cyber Security
- Cyber Security Training

Woman-Owned Small Business
Qualifications & Zones
- Solid DOD and Intelligence Community experience
- Software engineering expertise
- Information Assurance and Cyber Security
- Offices located in Zone 7
- Top Secret Facility Clearance
Functional Area Expertise
- Core Team Member
- Computer Forensics
- Cyber Security
- Program Management
- Software Engineering
- Hardware Engineering