Data & Process Modeling, Requirements Analysis Services
OpTech is responsible for providing the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) with a team of experts to prepare an “As-is State” technical data model of the existing Grants database and related processes. The model will provide a common, consistent way of categorizing and describing data to facilitate data sharing and exchanges that occur within the FTA and between other Federal, State and local governments that access the system.
Intel Analysts Joint Intelligence Operations Center
PACOM JIOC at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii provides direct intelligence support for all military forces assigned to CRDUSPACOM. OpTech’s team provided recruitment management support of all on/off island recruitment initiatives for PACOM JIOC. These recruitment initiatives include job fairs, a Cooperative Education Program and an Intern Program. The team members have Secret and Top Secret Clearances and interact with DIA and DOD on-going programs.
Intec Training
OpTech is providing the U. S. Navy, SPAWAR InTec Training program with ad hoc training services and Certified Instructors throughout the Pacific Rim. Certified Instructors provide training in Network Traffic and Security Analysis, Internetwork Communications, Solaris Bootcamp, Microsoft-certified courses, UNIX, Cisco, Network Defense, and many other IT and non IT-related areas. Training is provided in Hawaii, Japan and Okinawa as well as in California, and in some cases these Instructors need to have Secret or Top Secret Clearances to allow them access to the systems for which they are providing training.
U.S. Coast Guard
OpTech’s staff provides IT Support Services including programming, testing, sustainment and production for the electronic Resource Planning (eRP) system used to prepare USCG budgets for Congress. These services include the continued update, maintenance and modification of the current e-RP database System. OpTech also supports the development of improved reporting and improved functionality to allow the Coast Guard to populate, extract, analyze and quality assure data from the system. The team provides complete documentation and performs user training for any enhancements or new code developed for the eRP System.