Top five ways to nail a job interview
When the recruiter from your dream job calls you for an in-person interview, do you want to be prepared? Of course! This step in the job hunt process is crucial because it’s your chance to set yourself apart from the other candidates that got called for the interview as well. In fact, this is the deciding factor of whether or not you will be extended a job offer. Below are 5 ways to nail your job interview:
1. Customize your resume
In today’s job market resumes tend to be repetitive and they lack uniqueness, which is why it is so easy for your resume to go unnoticed. To avoid this, the first change you can make to your resume is to add experiences that you have that other candidates probably do not. For example, having unique volunteer experience or unique scholarships on your resume can really help. Also, go the extra mile and invest in professional paper, rather than the typical printer paper. Finally, include descriptions of your previous jobs with paragraph format instead of bullet points. This small change to your resume surely makes your resume stand out, while also showcasing your previous work experiences.
2. Dress to impress
This step seems like common sense but it often is not done properly. Dressing to impress at your interview will not only make you feel more confident, but it will also show that you are professional and that you care about getting the job offer. For males, this means dressing in a suit, suit jacket, tie, and dress shoes. Also, don’t forget the BLACK socks. For females, this means dressing in a blouse, blazer, and either dress pants or a skirt. If you choose to wear high heels, make sure that you are comfortable walking in them. Finally, men should make sure they have properly groomed their facial hair and both men and women should make sure their fingernails are clean.
3. Research the company
Another common step that seems so small, but actually makes a big difference and will make you stand out from the other candidates. Prior to your scheduled interview, you should do a little homework about the company. This means more than just googling the company name and name of the CEO. When researching the company, you should visit the official company website and read about the company, the location, the benefits, the services they offer, and the company culture. If you mention these aspects of the company during your interview, the recruiter will be impressed and it will show that you have a strong interest in the company and in working there.
4. Have a question or two prepared
At the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions for them. There are usually no wrong questions to ask, but DO NOT say you have no questions. Instead, have a question in mind. Your question should be honest, but still professional and show that you are highly interested in the company. Great questions usually involve the job projection at their company and if they are a growing company or not. Also, a recruiter once told me that they love when candidates ask about their own personal growth in the company because it shows the candidate wants to hear a little bit about them.
5. Remain on your best behavior
From the time you start driving to the interview until the time you return home from the interview, you must be on your best behavior. This means while you’re walking or driving through the parking lot, entering the lobby, or talking to the receptionist, you must be in your professional and respectful mode. One thing that can really make you stand out from other candidates is the first impression of you in the lobby, which is why it is important to be friendly and professional. Don’t be playing with your phone, being obnoxious, or talking inappropriately.
Well, there you have it! Following these key steps during your job interview process are sure to land you the offer from the company of your dreams.
OpTech can help you find your dream job. An award winning firm. Forbes ranked OpTech number 56 of 250 nationwide last month for Best Professional Recruiting Firms in 2017.
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